Frank Dorn's Map of Beijing 1936
价格 : ¥ 350
邮费 : ¥8.00
Map : Map only With wood frame With black light-weight metal frame
数量 : -1+
Frank Dorn's Map of Beijing 1936
¥ 350.00
邮费: ¥8.00
浏览 : 7144
In 1936, Frank Dorn, a young U.S. military attaché stationed in Beijing, spent two months creating an illustrated map of Beijing. In his diary, he gave the following description of the streets of the city he had come to love:
“mad confusion of rickshaws, carts, wagons, beggars, and peddlers swirling around Chʼien Men, the Great Front Gate of the Tatar City; the camel trains from faraway Ninghsia and Turkestan plodding through dusty alleys and broad avenues to disgorge their burdens of rugs, tribute silk, paintings, jade, and ivory, after a four-month trek across the Gobi Desert; the rough, sun-darkened cameleers quietly knitting socks and sweaters from the wool they stripped off the double-humped animals; the rattling, iron-tired Peking carts; foul-tempered beasts laden down with sacks of coal from the 48 Mines of Mentoukou spitting and kicking their way through the masses of seething humanity.”